Protector of the nature

Ash Blackmoore
2 min readJun 14, 2020

Her druid sickle rhythmically bounced against her hip, rough ash of the burned forest clung to her bare feet with each step.

“Should hurry up to the forest heart.”

The giant burnt stump was sitting on a hill, it was a place where the forest started.

If she wouldn’t heal the heart, the forest around it will continue to lose it live.

Protection that she put on the young trees around the ash circle couldn’t hold the decay.

She kneeled before the stump put hands-on crispest, cracker black roots, a weak warmth reached palms of her hands.

She pronounced magick formula, encouraging that warmth to grow bigger.

Instead, it strikes and she makes the druid flew a couple of meters.

“For the love of Flidais…who hurt you so much, spirit? People who did this are probably far away already…let me help,” her quiet voice sounded like a lullaby.

“Look, I find acorns here in ashes, they still alive and can give new life with your and my help.”

She placed a couple of acorns at the root of the oak stump, take a sickle, and press against her palm.

“Without a little sacrifice magick won’t happen,” she read the formula with slight stumbling in her voice and a huge wave of the warm wind cover her all.

“That’s way better, now let’s heal that wound,” she touched the roots with her bloodied hand.

Suddenly stump’s bark turned to live again, regrow grass tickled legs of the druid, sweet scent of meadow flowers makes her dizzy.

“Well, Nimue you surpassed yourself,” she was on her feet turning her head from one side to another, watching how forest regrow with speed she never witnessed before.

Ball of light flew from the stump and get through her chest sending wave of warmth through her once more, before she left, “You to take care of yourself, spirit, it’s time to go home for me, goodbye”

